Tuesday, October 7, 2008


After being 2 yrs. without any speed workouts, I have finally given in to attending Cal Coast Track speed workouts every Tuesday! I went to today and really enjoyed it. It will take some time to fully get back into this sort of thing, but I am excited to develop some fast twitch muscles and improve my 5k and 10k time. I love running all my runs at under 7 min pace because I LOVE to go fassssst.....its a high for me. After I finish a good run I am usually happy, energetic, outgoing and ready to face anything. I often wonder why I love to run...why I can't sit for long periods of time and why I love work....I am so weird!! I love being outside, I hate being bored, I love to move for long periods of time. I love challenge and often love the feeling of oxygen debt and fatigue...I love to conquer that fatigue and oxygen debt by completing an 8-10 mile fast run. Long distance is definitely my thing...I was focusing on training for half marathons, but decided I was pounding myself into the ground and beginning to lose my passion for running. Due to this loss of interest, I decided to change my ways...although difficult, I am transitioning to racing only 5 and 10ks and increasing my speed. I am going to slow down my long runs, incorporate speed into my training and have fun! Constantly doing the same paced workouts was so stupid and I was so stubborn...I think this change will increase my love for running and get me out of the rut I've been in for the past 3 months. It will be fun to run with others from Cal Coast track club more often!